Client testimonial
Charlie Robinson of C R Electrical Services Limited
I have worked with G L Barker & Co LLP for over twenty years and find the support and advice they provide to be invaluable. Having previously operated as a sole trader, Sarah was quick to discuss the merits of incorporation as my business grew and guided me through the whole process, making things much less daunting than I initially thought.
It became clear that with increased work demands, managing the business finances needed additional support. Sarah proposed that G L Barker & Co LLP look after my bookkeeping and whilst this presented an additional cost to the business, I realized that it was essential for C R Electrical Services Limited to continue to prosper (and that I am better sticking to electrical work!)
This point couldn’t have been clearer when I began to take on employees. Whilst the payroll function appeared straightforward, the interaction with Construction Industry Scheme returns proved somewhat challenging. A quick chat with Sarah and I transferred the whole process to G L Barker & Co LLP. Not only that but they identified various tax overpayments and are now doggedly pursuing these on my behalf.
Sarah and the team are always approachable and I am made to feel welcome even when I turn up unannounced two minutes before the office closes! I have every confidence that they are looking after my interests in the background whilst I concentrate on the day to day tasks. I would not hesitate in recommending G L Barker & Co LLP to others.